Sublime. This book represents a pivotal shift in modern literature--when the minimalist approach of Raymond Carver collided with the unholy rants of Bukowski, and the wreckage was towed off by a drunken Chandler. In this book everything coalesced--voice, characters, plot, dialog. Above all others, this is a must read.
Palahniuk attained godlike stature following the publication of Fight Club, and it was well deserved. Even the movie rocked. However, Fight Club didn't 'just happen.' Palahniuk has always been a devoted student of the craft. He studied for years with Tom Spanbauer, an award winning author (see Now is the Hour among others). Attended countless workshops, despite as he says, "having his first novel rejected by every publisher and agent in North America." Then, after many years he penned the seminal novel that paved the way for countless authors such as Craig Clevenger, Will Christopher Baer, and Monica Drake.
Palahniuk now contributes monthly essays to the The Cult, a website providing online forums, workshops, and peer critiques for writers.
Although Fight Club is an amazing work, Palahniuk deserves the most shouts for his numerous contributions. Keep it up Chuck.